What is the meaning of bioimpedance?

The term electric bioimpedance refers to a technique to measure impedance in a non-biological environment and the term “bio” refers to biology hence the term bio-impedance.

The bioimpedance has to do with the study of specific electric properties of a biological environment.

BIA stands for electric Bioimpedance Analysis which is commonly used to refer to this technique.

What is the advantage of BIA over other techniques?

The multi frequency bioimpedance is the only technique that covers each and every one of the body compartments, besides, it has the advantage of being a simple, painless, non-invasive- low cost technique which provides immediate results.

Other non-invasive techniques to assess the overall body balance of an individual:

  • The adipometer to measure fat folds only assesses body mass fat levels and by deduction the free mass body fat levels. The technique may present a margin of error due to the thickness of the fat folds, to water and other tissues contained in the fatty tissue, as well as the election of interpretation formulas and the location of the fat folds’ measures. The expertise of the examiner is crucial factor to determine the reliability and replicability of the results.
  • The pletismography, the same as the adipometer to measure fat folds, just assesses the body gross mass and by deduction the fat free mass. The results can be affected by the real quantity of exhaled air before the measurement.
  • The absorptiometry is one of the default techniques (DXA) but just assesses the body fat mass , the lean mass and the bone mineral content.

None of these techniques are able to measure body water, nevertheless, is critical data to ascertain the nutritional state of the individual.

Importance of contact points

There are different points of contact.

The different techniques according to the devices

The design of a direct plug of single use measurement device, cordless without any electrodes, a system we have patented can explain it by means of the comparison described as follows.

The position of the subject when the measurements are taken

There are three ways of taking the measurements:

Our devices are designed to take measurements sitting down or lying down if necessary.

The differences between direct and indirect measurement:

Our devices are designed to carry out a direct measurement.


The first BIA devices were manufactured over the concept of single frequency at 50 kHz.

  • Possibility of measuring the phase angle
  • Unable to make the distinction between the total, intra and extracellular water
  • Limited Data (models of 2 or 3 compartments)


En multifrecuencias, los dispositivos tienen al menos 3 frecuencias entre 1 y 1000 kHz.

  • More information (example: intra and extracellular water)
  • Models from 2 to 6 compartments
  • Accuracy


consists of scanning a frequency spectrum ranging from 1 to 1000 kHz with a minimum of 50 frequencies to obtain a Cole-Cole model.

  • Real-time measurement quality control
  • Acquisition of raw spectroscopy parameters for the evaluation of the physiological state of individuals
  • Use of specific algorithms for this technique

All of our devices are multi - frequency or use spectroscopy

They allow you to obtain more advanced information about the Wellbeing and physical condition of the individual taking into account not just their fat mass and the non-fat mass but also an array of physiological data such as the intra and extracellular water, IR (Impedance Relationship), PhA (Phase Angle), active cellular mass, metabolic proteins, bone mineral content, muscle – skeletal mass of the extremities ... which are true physiological indicators. Additionally, spectroscopy allows the acquisition of specific data such as capacitance or characteristic frequency to more accurately assess the physiological state of individuals.

It is also possible to perform measurement quality control using the Cole-Cole curve by verifying if the measured data aligns with the modeled curve (graph below).


Mono and Multi Algorithms

Nowadays there are two different approaches to interpret the results obtained from the chosen electric parameters (Impedance, phase angle, resistance, reactance)

Mono-algorithms devices of the deductive type

The very principle of these devices is simple.

It is based on the following premise, in any kind of individual their hydration is constant for example, to 73,3% of their non-fat mass) and the other compartments are only defined from their coefficients based on constants.

Therefore, these devices can work on a single algorithm based on the calculation of the water. For example: non-fat mass = (total water * 0,733), proteins = (non-fat mass * 0,198) etc.

Based on the water level and weight of the individual a single spreadsheet is enough to obtain other body compartments. They are defined as the deductive type

Multi-algorithm devices of the non-deductive type

They all have the « essential algorithms » that allow the analysis in body compartments that cannot correlate by means of the application of the constants.

For example two of the “essential algorithms” which are the non-fat mass algorithm and of total water allow to obtain the real hydration rate of the mass excluding the fat, a very important piece of data because it will be able to determine if the individual has a normal level of hydration or if it is insufficient or if he is over hydrated.

The other body compartments are interpreted based on the complementary algorithms or by means of simple mathematical operations. These devices are defined as the non-deductive type.

All of our devices are of the Multi-Algorithm type

Everyone is different, all our devices provide multi-algorithmic interpretations. The interpretation of the impedance values obtained across the range of frequencies allows an individualized representation of the body composition of a measured individual.


(allows the interpretation of the measurement: impedances and phase angles)

Application in proprietor mode

The software is installed in the hard drive disc of the device.

  • All integrated
  • Frozen system

SaaS mode

The software is installed in remote servers

  • Data Accessibility
  • Open System
  • Evolutionary
  • Telemedecine
  • Compatibility with Mac, PC, IOS, Android

Our Software Biody Manager is in SaaS Mode

Over the course of the last five years our software has been set in SaaS mode and our servers fit the health requisites of Asip.

Associated services

  • A wristwatch to keep track of the bioimpedance and its applications in different fields (cardiac and renal insufficiency, obesity, malnutrition, oncology, sarcopenia, etc.)
  • Taking into account the evolution of the HAS and WHO recommendations.
  • Integration of the latest breakthroughs of the main researching events and the associated statistical results.
  • Assistance
  • Webinars
  • Independent researchers’ association specialists in body composition, nutrition, and sports fitness.
  • No science is set and we are well positioned to know that these techniques will soon originate experimentation subjects and that there are many insufficiently explored elements, hence the creation of the AminoGram Academy.

The cell phase shift measurement only takes a few microseconds. The resistance and the distance to carry, through the cables, the measurement to the measurement circuit causes a message reception time that will inevitably be added to the initial phase time (DT). Therefore, the result obtained will no longer be the initial result.