
Hydration, a Major Component of Body Functioning

Water, a Vital Molecule for the Human Body Water is the most abundant component in the human body, playing a crucial role in its physiological functioning, from the cellular level to the entire organism. Within cells, water acts as a solvent, creating a favorable environment for the chemical reactions necessary...

What are the benefits of different exercise modalities on our health?

It is well established that daily physical activity has significant health benefits, both in prevention and in the treatment of many chronic diseases. However, in certain situations, the specific choice of an exercise modality can be crucial to induce specific beneficial adaptations. When we engage in physical activity, our body...

Malnutrition and Bioimpedance: A Key Tool for Health

When we think of malnutrition, we often imagine scenes of famine in distant countries. However, malnutrition is a problem that can affect individuals in our own community, often in less visible ways. It occurs when the body does not receive the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. This...

Malnutrition in the Onset of Frailty

Introduction The improvement of care and the extension of life expectancy have led to a significant increase in the number of elderly people in Western countries and thus in pathologies associated with aging. One of the main consequences of aging is the development of frailty in older individuals, which leads...

Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness

Introduction In this article, we will explore the concept of bioimpedance and its role in raising awareness about breast cancer, particularly during Pink October. We will delve into the details of bioimpedance, its usefulness in assessing overall health, and how it can be linked to breast cancer awareness. Pink October...

Bioimpedance Measurement as a Research Tool

Introduction Research, whether academic or private, has the primary objective of answering scientific questions using standardized protocols that involve a number of measurement tools. Their role is to generate objective data that are then used to address the scientific hypotheses posed upstream of the protocol. Therefore, it is necessary to...