Weight Loss Follow-Up in an Obese Patient

(The original language of this article is French, and the graphs are shown from actual screenshots in the original language)

Biody Xpert- Obesity

Follow-up of Weight Loss in an Obese Patient

Measurement Date: June 24, 2020
Age48 years
Activity LevelLow
PathologiesControlled hypertriglyceridemia
Weight Goal98 kg.
ObservationsHas not exercised for the last 3 months due to the pandemic, lives alone. When physically active, his lowest weight in the past 20 years has been 108 kg, with 20% body fat.

1. Quick Analysis

Data Interpretation:

His BMI classifies him in Obesity Type I, as shown in the chart, with an excess fat of 13.48 kg and 6.5 kg of additional muscle.

He is about 2 liters short of water, but considering his high body mass, he is within the tolerance range (light green), which is often the case in people with excessive fat mass.

Conclusion: His fat mass is too high, but the other compartments of his body composition are ideal for his age.

Analyzing the indices, we find adequate muscle and bone load, allowing us to recommend high physical activity despite his high fat mass index.

Very good muscle and bone mass, and correct total load on the skeleton.

2. Detailed Analysis

A- Metabolism and Fat Mass

His metabolism is high, giving him a good capacity to burn calories. His fat mass is high, but by reducing calories in his diet and increasing energy expenditure through exercise, it is possible to bring his fat mass percentage to an acceptable level (around 21%) in a few months.

By increasing energy expenditure by 400 kcal/day and limiting calories as indicated above by 600 kcal/day, it is possible to lose the 13 kilos of excess fat mass in less than 6 months.

B- Muscle Mass and Bone Mass

(Missing values in the skeletal muscle mass of limbs tile: take the new value below.)

Muscle mass and bone mass are very high, showing that this person, despite a high fat mass (32%), is in good physical condition and can easily reduce his excess fat mass. The muscle mass indices and the ratio to FFM are at a very good level, well above the standards, so there is no risk of sarcopenia, malnutrition, cachexia, osteoporosis, or sarcopenic obesity.

C- Cellular Analysis

Cell mass is good. It contains a very significant amount of proteins (+1.67 kg), but lacks a bit of water (about 1.5 liters of water).

This is logical in people with high fat mass. Fat mass loss should allow restoring a good balance.

D- Hydration

In people with a high potential for fat mass, special attention is paid to total water and water balance, as the information provided by fat-free hydration and fat-free water balance is complex to interpret due to the fact that fat tissue is poor in water and contains only a small percentage of intracellular water.

Conclusion for this person:

Total water: Slight dehydration of the FFM, but without consequences. Water balance: Slight dehydration of active cell mass, which could explain the somewhat low phase angle. Logically, a loss of fat mass should allow for better cellular hydration.

3. The biomarker

The phase angle is correct but a bit low given his tall height (188 cm). It would be expected to be between 7.3 and 7.8, suggesting a slight lack of cellular reactivity.

The IR is below 8, which is good, but could be improved.

General Conclusion:

  • Significant fat mass to lose, but very good muscle mass level.
  • Slight dehydration, but without consequences due to high fat mass.
  • Somewhat low phase angle to monitor.
  • The data on cell mass and metabolic proteins are normal, as is the intra-extracellular water balance. Final diagnosis: Type I obesity, with hypertriglycerides controlled with medication.
  • A nutritional intervention is carried out with a hypocaloric diet plan of 2200 kcal/day, high in protein, restricted in concentrated carbohydrates and alcoholic beverages. Physical activity is recommended, prescribed by a professional, with exercises that increase energy demand and muscle mass, as well as adequate hydration before, during, and after physical activity.

First Follow-up

A check was done on October 16, 2020, yielding the following results:

1. Quick Analysis

Very good result: fat mass and BMI have decreased significantly, hydration level has improved, muscle and bone mass remain at a very good level, the phase angle has improved significantly and is now at a very good level, IR has slightly decreased, which is excellent.

The chart, theoretical differences, and indicators show:

Decrease in mass (going from 13.48 to 8 kg to lose with the new weight).

Non-significant decrease in muscle mass (300 g), which remains very high.

Improvement in hydration level (+½ liter).

BMI and fat turn orange, indicating improvement and now requiring vigilance and treatment.

Fat mass index improves, as does total load index, implying fat has improved and strength exercises can be increased.

Comparison of results between the first and last measurement:

2. Detailed Analysis

A – Large Masses

Significant weight loss: 9.1 kg.

Significant fat mass loss: 7.3 kg.

Reasonable dry mass loss (0.6 kg) compared to fat mass loss.

Low water loss compared to fat and dry mass loss. Logically, the hydration percentage should have improved.

B – Hydration


  • Hydration rate increases by +0.6%.
  • Intracellular water rate improves: +0.38%.

C – Phase Angle and IR

Significant improvement in the phase angle: +1.

Significant improvement in IR: -0.013.

D – Indices

Very significant decrease in the fat mass index (kg/m²).

Stable muscle and bone mass.

Very significant improvement in total load, reducing the risk factor related to fat mass.

E – Muscle Mass

Maintenance of muscle mass and improvement in the ratio to fat-free mass, increasing from 0.41 to 0.42.

Significant fat mass loss without muscle mass loss.

F – Proteins and Active Cell Mass

24 june 2020 - 09:06 - 16 october 2020 09:25

Improvement in the protein ratio and cellular hydration in relation to the new weight.

Final Conclusion:

  • Excellent results across all indicators.


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